The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

Insecurities and worrying

Friday, March 17, 2006
When I was in Capetown earlier this week,I spoke to my good old buddy Jeremy about his blog,how he does it and so forth,He told me that he sits in the morning,with a cuppa tea,behind his limited edition Ferrari lcd screen,and just types whats on his mind.Man that oke is just humble.

So thats what im doing,Im sitting infront of jeremy's screen, in my boxers,with his cuppa tea.Feels a little odd though.

Everyone has their own perception on how someone else looks and how they themselves look.I found that people that really arent happy with themselves seem to love bringing people down to their own level.Telling someone that they are fat,ugly or just stupid isnt really kieff,Its actually downright horrible.Ive been thru my own personal battles,and one day i just decided,Stuff you.Im living like i want,I woke up and realised that I was happy with myself.I was fine with the fact that Im growing what seems to be a decent belly, Yes im not the most attractive man alive,but who really is.Somewhere out there,there has to be someone that is so sick of brad pitts shite.Someone hates Claudia Schiffer, no one is perfect.

Why is it then that we all cant just realise that hey,im not going to have an ass like that, Ill never have a sixpack like Soulforge. You should really rather just be happy with what you have.Be happy that there are people around you that do care.Instead of focusing on the negative all day long, If you had to stop and count how many people seriously do love and care for you.You'd be amazed,off hand i can think of at least 10people that would drop everything if i needed them,and i can think of 15+ people that id do that for.This is the type of attitude we need in todays world.We dont need to be constantly brought down.Life is to short,get over it.

I just realised ive gone into the second topic already..Ooops.worrying.

Everyone does it,be it financial problems,personal life stuff, or youre boss just being a right old dick.No ones life is perfect,The ones that seem the happiest are the ones that are looking out for the silver lining in everything,A buddy of mine Vomitboy, has started with that type of outlook.He used to bitch and moan about everything,but now its just about certain things,Small things like him being hungry.Its as simple as waking up and deciding stuff it.Im going to enjoy today,tomorrow and the rest of the week.

Once again,take a look at those in youre life.You can spot out that person that will help you, take for instance, My father,We arent that close,but if i was to be in kak with the law,im almost dead sure he'd come help.My moms the type of person that will stop and look at the situation rationally,then sort it out.Oh yes followed by a swift klap.But hey in a way i geuss id have asked for it.It could be something that that person doesnt know,Chim(my darling) is able to make me smile even if greg has taken the last fizzer,She just has a way of making the kakest day turn out great.Greg just makes me thankful that i have a semi stable life.

Its the small things that make all the difference,The things that no one takes notice of until its to late.Seriously.instead of reading this kak,why not just go hug that special someone,take time to make youre life better,in the end its up to you
6:50 AM :: ::
  • You are gorgeous... inside and out! You are my darling! Love you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 17 March, 2006  
  • This is a good column, china. Well-written. I am in agreement with you. Ignore what people think: what a great concept. Very difficult to achiev, but brilliant to strive towards.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 20 March, 2006  
  • Guys im crying...Thanks...now i really feel gay

    By Blogger The Real Marbro, at 20 March, 2006  
  • I agree with vomitboy... "Marbro I think you are a far greater person than you give yourself credit for. You're kind soul with a lot of potential."

    You have a heart of gold!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 20 March, 2006  
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