The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

Little detours

Thursday, March 23, 2006
Lifes full of these little things.As soon as you seem to be going on the right path.Some dumbnut goes and chucks a monkey wrench in the works...Honestly my works cant handle more monkeys

Greg has been stuffed over at work,losing something like 8k.Because there is this doos that believes he is superior and should get gregs money..sort of like in a school yard.Ok yes the story is slightly more complicated.But hey im not going to explain it to you.

When something goes wrong I never have a backup plan..cause i realised,Im just a kak planner.I cant play out that today from 10-11pm im going to watch corne and twakkie becaue with my luck,sabc would have forgotten to insert the tape.It always happens.Ive actually decided to start planning for the opposite.But i dont think fate is that doff...

Sometimes these little monkey wrenches actually help you.You might not notice it at first but looking back..There are alot of things that would have been different if I actually had gotten the job I applied for at PWC, Cause then Id never have heard of JNF . Id also never had met my darling.Trust me life would have been mega kak then.

Lately ive been checking things out in a different view.Ive for somereason been looking closer at things..Trying to figure them out.God only knows why,cause naturally im just a lazy bugger.Ive scoped out that a few things in my life are on the verge of going a tad pear shaped.This isnt what im hoping for.Esp with me moving down to cape town,hopefully soon.

Murphy was actually a bastard..Making all those laws and stuff.Thats probably the oke that invented the wrench..or put the fly in the ointment.He must have been british.

anyways.super kak one.dont think im going to tell my chommies about it.Cause its kinda sad.But i have to go home.Left my phone there..and i wanna chat to my babe!
4:29 PM :: ::
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