The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

Men and woman

Monday, March 20, 2006
Ok im sitting infront of my pc..Hectic day,so im having a sweet cuppa tea.Just like a real man would.I dont know what the hell to write about..So why not just mention something that we discuss and see everyday.The difference between men and woman

On JNF we regularly try and domesticate some of the woman that invade our manly sections(I.e everything) and we reckon we are winning.Woman however have converted one of our own.We didnt go back to save him.The sharks were winning.

Men seem to be the simpler happier gender.They will be quite content with being stuck on an island, sitting drinking cold beer,and flippen thru 500channels without actually watching anything.
Woman are more happy shopping,buying shoes that they will wear once,maybe twice in their lives.
I reckon i have two pairs of shoes..oh and the dogs chew toy..so that makes three.

Why is it woman need to always talk.Men are happy sitting in silence,maybe the occasional "Pass me a cold one" or the "pull my finger quick" might be heard,But it will be quickly followed with a dissaproving stare as we are all watching the game.Sometimes we dont even know what we are watching..

Woman cant be left alone.Put two random woman in a room together for 5min and you hear the latest gossip.I swear if they had to be of different nationalities it would still happen,Much harder to follow, But that slutty suzie will be spoken about.

Woman have their plus points,Men cant normally cook.We prefer easy to make stuff.Smash,wors.Thats a dinner for me,Hell thats an anniversary dinner for me.Woman on the other hand will go and slave over the stove for hours on end..Only to produce something that tastes brilliant,but looks so good you dont want to disturb it.

Woman cant seem to put a seat down,We lift the toilet seat...Trust us.It works both ways.You can put it down.Not like there is any pee on it.Really!

But then again we all cant live without each other,Men would be junk food addicts,woman would be obsessive compulsive melodramatic gossiping shoppers and the world as we know it would cease to exist.That might actually make some people happy..

Anyways after rereading this i realised,Shit i can talk loads of kak.Scary hey!and you read it
4:32 PM :: ::
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