Tv and movies
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Im seriously running low on ideas here, So i thought,hey why not write about something I know alot about.Physics,just kidding. Tv.Its a main part of my life.Its the only thing that keeps me sane.I actually look forward to getting home at night,just so that i can watch tv,Mainly to keep greg quiet.Gregs my housemate.Think ive mentioned him before..
I love comedies,The main reason why I have such a dry sense of humor is because of my love for british comedy,Its the best kind.
One of my favourite british comedies has to be My Family.I just love that dad.His wit,his quick thinking,his body..No wait,thats just wrong.I loved the son,Total retard,but the stuff he came up with,Pure brilliance.
Scrubs is about the best american humor i can think of off hand,well apart from Malcolm in the middle.Scrubs contains alot of quick punchlines,that normal "office" hatred,hot babes,elliot especially.
Movie wise,well as you know i pirate them,so i see lots of different types.Favourties have to along the lines of Saw,Texas chainsaw massacre.I love horrors.Nothing better than watching them with someone special.Like my boss.Or girlfriend,mom,ect.You know.People who you love...
Movies and series that i hate are those chick kak things.They are all the same,oh gee the cute guy is a doos,or the cute guy is dating a whore,or the cute guy got herpes from his dad.Same old same old.My sister loves watching passions.its on Etv,Mega kakas show.They have this midget/doll/boy/peadophile guy thing on it,Everyone believes its a doll.But the kid moves.Some seriously shit stuff
oh well.going back to my webcam,Really boring tv,just like my blog