The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

Inconsiderate buggers

Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Have you ever had someone that takes you forgranted?Someone that says they will do anything for you,but never does.They expect the world from you,but only give back their "friendship"?

I gots me one of those. Trying to ditch the bugger,but just cant.They seem to latch on.Like leeches or midgets or something.They suck you dry and when you finally realise what they are doing to you.You drop them.They play the whole mind game thing with you and as if they werent ever there,leave.

I was brought up to help.Help those that are in need,and one day they will inturn help you.Oh how wrong mommy and daddy were.Yes granted there are people out there that do return favours,sometimes going out of their way to help.Friends like these are few and far between,but im veering slightly off topic.

Dont you just hate it when people only think of themselves?They expect you to drop everything that youre doing just to go help them.For the life of me I cant understand how someone can ignore another persons needs/feelings. Right now im falling asleep at my desk,because of one such thing.

Fine and fair they do help me, But is it so hard to think things thru a bit further?to plan around another persons life?To take into consideration other people work.Things like that should be at the top of ones list before you ask for a favour.But hey i geuss its just me

Enough ranting and raving.I have to go help someone again,Thanks for letting me waste more of youre life.

Now let me grab my cape,and im off
9:13 AM :: ::
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