Mundayne and meaningless
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I know earlier in my wonderful(hahaha) blog i spoke about feeling good and so forth...Well its harder than i thought to keep it up.So shut up,read and carry on with youre life.Have you ever looked back at what youre life has become? Ever thought,shit my life is boring.I wish i had some excitement,Some change,something different?I want that now.
The only thing that my stuffed up company offers me is a trip to Cape Town once every two months or so.This time i was told,hey you can go down to cape town next week,So obviously i was all excited,told everyone i know down there,esp my significant other.Today i was told "we dont have the budget to send you anymore". Lovely isnt it.HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT.
Yes i understand im going off topic again,but i dont really give a shit right now.Geuss this is one of my shit blogs.
Everyday seems to be the same,Waking up missing Cailin, getting out of bed slowly cause im tired,then going to work,getting there way to early.Sitting taking crap from people over and over,going home later than everyone else,cause i wait for greg,Weekends arent a blast either,
I dont go out,cause its kinda expensive,fuck i cant even keep up with my water and lights account,nevermind go jolling.So my life pretty much is just a endless cycle of work,sleep,tv,work,tv,sleep. The only please out of life i get is when i talk to cailin.Yes i have a flippen boring life.Its sad i know.
I look around to other people and see how they seem to enjoy life.Carol, Ferdi and weasel for example always seem to have a blast,and honestly i love hanging out with them.But then again i dont wanna over do it and make them sick of me.Its just one of those things i dont wanna ruin.
anyways thats about all im going to write about now.Going to phone my babes just now,and try to tell her properly (without foul language) that im not going anymore.
so there,thanks for wasting 5min of youre life listening to me cry.
10:31 AM ::
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The Real Marbro :: permalink
I understand your situation, mate. I can't afford to do much, either. I struggle all the time, financially. But I have found that since I chose to follow my dream; I'm happy to struggle. Why? Because doing what I love, makes me happy and fulfilled.
By , at 11 April, 2006
Isnt't that better than doing a kak job with a kak salary? -
difference is you know you love drawing..I dont know if i love IT anymore?
By The Real Marbro, at 11 April, 2006 -
I agree with jeremy. I'd rather be doing a job i love and be getting a small salary, than a job i hate and be getting a huge salary. Money can only go so far! But happiness can go further. Go for what makes you happy.
By , at 12 April, 2006
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