The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

Strange people

Thursday, April 20, 2006
How many of you have a weirdo working at youre office?I have quiet a few.We even have bets going as to when one of them will come in to work with a trench coat hiding a shotgun underneath.

Everyone has their quircks,thats what makes life fun.Imagine if we all were boring and mundayne, ie like me!.That would just be so wrong.Suicide rates would shoot throught the roof.Small kids wouldnt have hope and australians wouldnt exist.

Sometimes when im bored ill just sit and stare at these creatures we refer to as humans.Some of them can be quite entertaining.Never quite knowing what they are going to get up to next.Getting back to shot gun man,I dont really have to wonder what he is going to do.Cause He is in my office alot.He just stands there.Staring.Probably doing what i do.

He's been caught sniffing chairs ect.But no real danger as yet.Note I said yet,

we worry about him alot.Then there is a closet gay guy.We dont mind gay people.Hey it means more woman for the rest of us.Not that i need one.I gots me a winner.
but this closet case just refuses to admit that he is Gay.How hard can it be?Convo would probably go something like "hey, im gay." and we'd reply with "we know".See not hard at all

Sometimes just really noticing people in the office can bring a smile to youre face.The odd person that walks around talking to themselves.The guy that steals staplers for his shrine.People that have shrines ect ect.

anywhoo this is kind of a boring one.But hey that just means i succeded in boring you!cool.more life wasted
3:42 PM :: ::
  • Hey... there's nothing wrong with talking to yourself! I talk to myself often, especially when I'm studying. But it's when you start answering yourself that should worry other people!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 20 April, 2006  
  • Marbro, you are weird too. You built a shrine, remember?
    We all have our quirks. I just prefer to keep mine to myself. Ha ha.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 21 April, 2006  
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