The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

Ok ....Finally a blog entry

Friday, May 19, 2006
I know i wanted to post one yesterday.But things just got way to hectic around the office.Hell i didnt even read dilbert!

Thats bad!

so this morning we have our email server sort of up and running.I dont think its back to 100% yet.but we are still working on it..Sort of.

Got some really shite news yesterday.Some cow in our production office decided to use her head,and pretty much got my capetown trip cancelled.Yes ladies and gents I might not be going down.Well thats how it stands now.Ive been throwing my huge mass around the office.Got our other techie in on it aswell.He riled my boss up and together,we are making a ripple.

Boss says that im going..not 100%sure though.So i havent told cailin yet.Hell i havent even told my other buddies.Gregs the only one that knows...I dont want to jinx it.I can only imagine how shite Cailin is going to feel when i tell her im coming,then tell her later im not...So im not going to do that..

My 1gig memory stick still hasnt arrived..Started mailing the little bugger...I WANT MY STUFF!dickwad

Oh hormz... Have you organised that one of youre CT china's gets me a bottle of slanghoek?Come on.I thought you were a buddy,we link to each others sites and all

But ja.I might make a slightly better blog later..Who knows..but for now.Ill keep it kak just like the rest of them
11:48 AM :: ::
  • If I am not mistaken, you posted a blog yesterday as well. So what are you smoking?

    Oh, and I'll hold thumbs for you!

    By Blogger CaZ, at 19 May, 2006  
  • thanks .hormz...

    caz. yesterdays was just a reminder that i was alive.and not dead and stuff.....

    im not smoking anything.Chest is still tender

    By Blogger The Real Marbro, at 19 May, 2006  
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