The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

So this morning i woke up..

Monday, May 15, 2006
Big mistake.

You see last night, i just couldnt sleep..Seriously stuffed up yesterday (sorted now) so i was stressing...Anywhoo around 1-2 this morning i eventually got to bed,rolled around for another hour..and passed out.

This morning when i woke up, I was as sick as a dog.but its getting worse.My nose has been flowing stronger than the vaal.Chest feels like ive got a small midget in there with a blowtorch.
Thinking about taking tomorrow off.Will see how i feel tonight.

As you might have noticed under my Sa Topsites button..Ive added the button to Hello Peter.Its a flippen brilliant site.If you have anyproblems with a corporation write em up there.I had some kak with mtn,again!And who'd have thought it...A big boy phoned me...Sorted in 20min,

But!and this is important.Its not just a negative site.If you have a good thing to say about them..Say so.I mean really everyone that deserves a good rating,DO IT!

SO ja..im just a little sick at the mo...Im not writing anymore!now go work
2:44 PM :: ::
  • Shame. I hope you feel better soon. Maybe I can get mommy to make you some soup!

    By Blogger CaZ, at 15 May, 2006  
  • Hi there my friend!
    Its your fellow browser frem another forum.
    Just discovered this forum now while chatting....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 15 May, 2006  
  • You should really change to Vodacom! And hope you get better soon. Ask Cazz's mom to make you soup or pizza.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 17 May, 2006  
  • Vodacom all the way.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 18 May, 2006  
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