The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan


Monday, June 05, 2006
So its monday and im writing my blog.That means its past lunch time..hmmm i miss lunch

So anyways, on saturday greg and I were driving back home, we went through to Edinvale(google it) and found a huge traffic jam on the way back.

We stood between william nicole and Hans strydom for around an hour and a half or more.For those of you that dont know, the distance between the two off ramps is around 7km.

The reason for the slight picnic on the highway was some guy in an opel corsa(only reason i could make out that it was a corsa was the small shape of the car and an opel badge) decided to get tboned and then rolled his car.

A merc c class hit him on the passenger door,merc wasnt quite a write off,but close enough.Its flippen scary to know that people out there cant drive

Before anyone says anything, i know i was in an accident.Yes,it was my fault.But it was no where near this bad.The corsa really looked super kak.

How do people manage to lose it so badly,How on earth do you get youre car sideways on the highway?Didnt they teach you anything when you went for driving lessons?How safe are we when people like mr corsa are on the road..

We in SA get taught to drive with a k53 method,This method teaches you that looking behind you is better than looking ahead,Really...They make you look behind you a crap load more than infront.

Our driving styles have to change quickly in SA if we are to become safer on the roads.Cause our cars are not getting stronger,Id honestly rather be in an old roadster than a corsa after seeing the damage caused by this accident.

Its really scary
1:47 PM :: ::
  • i know we did...my sister lives there.

    watch out for the bokkie in a blue micra...talks like a saffa and she vloeks alot

    By Blogger The Real Marbro, at 06 June, 2006  
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