The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

Report back from the Wedding

Monday, June 12, 2006
Ok so obviously i survived the "wedding".I know its hard to believe,but it didnt turn out that bad.

Heres the rundown of events

:people walk into church,snooze time.
people walk out of church,we blew bubbles on them,wished for more snooze time
people go take photos,we sneak out for a smoke,
people go inside a big room,and thats where the story begins...

As you may recall,i went with greg,to his sisters wedding.He hardly knew anyone there,so i had to be the good buddy and help him stick it out.(not literally damnit)

We got to the reception around 5ish, and were quickly introduced to around 50 odd people.everyone knowing greg,and greg,Didnt know a soul.Oh i just rememberd that we forgot our church shoes at home,I loaned his brother inlaws,they were two sizes to small.Ended up wearing my dc's..White shoes with a black suit,Goood.

so anyways,we parked off at the reception,meeting more and more people.Spoke to the bride a bit,got filled in on gregs family history ect ect

It really got boring when greg started to chat up some bridesmaid,well i assume she was abrides maid,cause her dress was kak.

At around 12 ish,everyone started leaving,and off we went to the brides house.I was dog tired,had a long day behind me and was looking forward to some shut eye,That wasnt their plan though.We sat and chatted with the grooms kids.They turned out to be quite cool.Drank a bit,and slept.What a night.Thank god its over

So in the morning we all got king steer burgers,Bonus.And walked away with a life lesson,i think.dont know,was too tired to care.

So ja.kak blog,but i dont care.Domkop,JOU MOER!

12:59 PM :: ::
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