The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

South African Cops

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Last night,on sabc 3 i think was this documentary about Sa Cops and the high suicide rate.The only reason i was up,was because of Cailin,was waiting for her to get home ect,

Im seriously glad i watched it.It really explained alot,Not only about why cops in general seem so demotivated,but because my dad went thru almost all of that aswell.He also sufferd from PTSD and was boarded before they got really strict with the rules.

He tried to commit suicide,Hell he even admitted to wanting to take the rest of us with him.It didnt seem to be a big deal back then,cause we never thought he could do it(taking us with,not the suicide).But after watching last nights program i realised i was flippen close to dying.Not only me but my brother,sisters and mom.

They had a few cops families on,they all had the same story.The SAPS didnt offer the help that they needed.If it wasnt for the understaffed and under paid police services many of these families would still be together.

Alot of the cops used their service pistols to commit suicide,murder family members ect.Its that pistol that is meant to serve and protect.How on earth can you give a mentally unstable person a gun,and expect them to perform on their own?They arent right upstairs,of course kak is going to hit the fan.

There is a higher suicide rate amongst cops than there is with any other stressfull job.Paramedics have nothing on these okes.Wonder about traffic controllers though

So ja.this was just a ramble....but next time you okes check a copper doing his duty,be friendly.Trust me ,it makes a huge difference.
4:35 PM :: ::
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