The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

The average morning

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
So yesterday i overslept...Bad thing to do,I was late for work,couldnt get round to everything,yadda yadda yadda.

But this morning i was here bright and early.

So today i shalt explain the average morning that i experience to you bunch of miscreants. It starts at a rooster waking time of 5:15am.Yes,Thats before the bladdy sun has even gotten up.A syncronised display of brilliance follows as greg and i get dressed(in our own rooms) and still manage to share a bathroom.Yes.We dont bump into each other.Thats how talented we are

Normally greg goes out and starts his car,while im brushing teeth,Cleaning my toes with his toothbrush etc.Then when he's doing his stuff in the bathroom,i go pack my lunch,and we are off.This happens within about 10-15minutes.

On the road,i dont reply to you,unless you make lots and lots of sense.Or have something meaningful.

Most mornings i cant even remember getting to work.Thats how boring the morning routine is.I can sleep thru it.

so ja.Im going to get some more shuteye now
7:17 AM :: ::
  • I always wondered where the wierd taste in my mouth came from.
    The only Reason you dont remember anything on the trip to work is because you just plain old ignore me. We used to have such insightful conversations in the car, that seems to have died away, just like your love!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 19 July, 2006  
  • Gee, I wonder why he ignores you...tough one. I just cant imagine you having meaningful conversations, haha.

    You get up ay 5:15? A whole 15 minutes before me. And you always make it sound like you get up so much earlier than me. Stop your whining and do some work!

    By Blogger CaZ, at 19 July, 2006  
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