The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

Today,is thursday

Thursday, August 31, 2006
so thursday has hit us.Eventually.This weeks taken way to long, and ive been way to busy.Quite alot has gone on since i flew back from CT.I cant really tell you what though.cause i was sworn to secrecy when ferdi was caught cooking.

Anywhoo.I see that Tink has been recieving more replies to her blogs than me.Whats up with that kak people.Come on.Even if its a simple.Voetsek we dont want to read youre kak.A reply is a reply.Really.Its only 17minutes out of youre day.

So this weekends the beerfest.Yes thats right.Last year i met my bestest of buddies.Basti. He is so cool.The really cool part is we all drink on the church grounds.Ive never seen stuff like that happen before.Its really scary.

The beer fest is at a german church somewhere near A big shopping centre in a place near a macdonalds.Email carol if you need more specific directions.But all men should be able to find it.Quite easily.

So ja.Expect photos on monday.But till then,we have that kak little day called Friday....
2:08 PM :: ::
  • Basti is your best friend????Ooooo, I am telling Ferdi. And there will be no photos, unless you log onto jnf, that's where Im posting them.

    Oh, and it was the best beerfest we have had so far! And the Boks won, who would have thought?

    By Blogger CaZ, at 04 September, 2006  
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