Why i hate staying at home
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Well staying at home means i do nothing all day.As fun as that may seem.Its not.Its one big horrible reminder of how boring and monotonus primary school was.sitting on youre rear end all day doing nothing is the worst punishment i can recieve.Yes on weekends i dont mind doing it.Because there is proper shit on tv.Not Alias from 18years ago.Or that dallas kak.Dont get me started on rikkie lake.What a stupid bladdy lesbian.Someone please shoot her in the foot,laugh at her then shoot her knee cap off.Why does she have to be so.....Talkative.Bitch youre not even hot!
So ja.back onto why i hate staying home.Sitting at home means the maid has time to actually talk to me.I dont talk to the help.Im not racist,im not above her.She is just a broken record.I need a new mop.I need the new washing powder.I need the dog to stop biting me.Shuttup a bit.Really.Look around the answers are there somewhere.....
but ja.then there is keeping youre self entertained...You cant go sleep,cause then there is no way youre going to sleep enough tonight.Thats why we dont get nap time at the office anymore.That and i apparently talk in my sleep...
I ended up playing psp most of the day.Still feel shit and lost out on alot of work....Staying at home sucks ass!
2:23 PM ::
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The Real Marbro :: permalink
I dont mind staying at home, we have dstv. I get up to all sorts of stuff, like reading, watching DVDs, sleeping lots, sorting through photos, the list is endless. Oh, and I bother Ferdi and eat his snacks.
By CaZ, at 06 September, 2006
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