The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

The horrors of drinking

Friday, October 13, 2006

So weasel,evil cazzys brother seems to have developed a drinking problem

The worst part about it is he is going behind their backs and not sharing.So tonight we have decided that we are going to have an intervention,followed by some beer and a braai.It should work out well

What im hoping for is weasel to realise that he has a problem.A problem that might lose him the only three friends he has.You see if he doesnt share his drinks, there is really no reason for people to hang out with him

But it could also go pear shaped,cause cazz would be on her third or fourth drink by then.Unlike randy from my name is earl.Thats about the time she gets witty.She starts chirping and just might say something to push him over the edge and into the bottle.Weasel is a strong chap,surprisingly strong for an auditor,probably cause he has been know to audit rough and tough companies like Virgin and SAB.Not an easy task

So lets all think about weasel tonight,Hold thumbs and may the booze flow
3:02 PM :: ::
  • LOL!!!! I think I wet myself.

    But no, dudes, this is serious. Weasel needs this intervention and I hope it goes well. That's if Martin can keep me off the booze for just 10 minutes.

    We will report back on monday!

    By Blogger CaZ, at 13 October, 2006  
  • nut youre no fun if you dont drink..its a hard decision

    By Blogger The Real Marbro, at 13 October, 2006  
  • It was very successful. Weasel enjoyed the attention he got from Martin.

    By Blogger CaZ, at 16 October, 2006  
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