Things woman should learn
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Ok so we all know by now that tink kinda got stuck yesterday.So i decided to help all woman out, Come on Tink, why didnt you try to jump start the battery?Thats what i'd have done.I honestly thought you were going to do that when you mentioned youre sister went to her boot. But ja.So im going to list important things that you ladies should remember to check at least once a month
Oil, this is the most important.Without oil in youre motor vehicle, youre going to end up paying alot more to the friendly mechanic.Oil is check by pulling out the dipstick, Thin little thing, normally located near the front of the cars engine,It should have a loop on the end so that you can pull it out easily. DONT just read it once, pull it out,wipe it clean, stick it back and then take a reading. I dont know why,but my daddy said it was right. There is a small section that has blocks on it,near the bottom, the oil should just cover that,it can be over,but youre car will smoke.Petrol attendents can help here.
Tire pressure, If youre car pulls to one side, is sluggish on pullaway and makes an awful noise when driving. Youre tire pressure is probably stuffed. Tires have a pressure recommendation on them, somewhere, But it would be safe to just pump it to 2.0bar, im not going to get technical on how to estimate the pressures when hot, Just pump them when the tires are cold.OK. once again ,petrol attendents are youre friends.
Battery water, On top of youre battery,between the two poles (roughly) are covers that protect the water from dirt, evaporation and so forth. The water inside the battery isnt tap water, its distilled water. This waters avalible for free at the garage where you fill up and clean youre nails. The water should just cover the core parts of the battery.
radiator water. When youre temp gauge is flickering at you, or youre car has steam coming out the bonnet, its to late. So before that happens, go and check that you have enough water in youre car. There is only so many containers in the engine bay that take water, its normally a small bottle type thing ,with tubes coming out of it going into the radiator. Make sure thats filled with normal water (to the recommended line of course..)
so there we go ladies. Its not that hard to solve car problems.remember most mechanics are afrikaans.That alone should speak volumes for the simplicity of a car engine
6:40 AM ::
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The Real Marbro :: permalink
Thanks, I will remember this when I do get a car one day
By , at 31 October, 2006 -
Thanks, but I already knew all this, thanks to Cosmo.
By CaZ, at 31 October, 2006
heh heh -
Hee hee, copy, paste and print!
By , at 31 October, 2006
I mean I knew that!
But you forgot to mention that you have to take the keys out of your car before you close it!
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