Woodstock recap
Okie dokie so I have more time on my hands.Just enough infact to tell you about woodstock.IT WAS AWESOME!!!
Friday afternoon we rocked up there and started to set up.6 people,three tents and way to much booze(sad story about that later).We had the tents and so forth up and beer in the coolerbox within 2hours,quite impressive seeing as only ferdi helped cazz with her tent.Bernadine,you just stood around.
So ja,the booze started flowing,we were right infront of the stages,literally 20m away from them,In hindsight it was actually a kak place to camp.So back to the booze.I drank as much as I could.I think I polished of around 5 beers,2litres of brandy and coke,and 1litre jack and coke,I just didn't even get tipsy.Im really an embarrasment to my family.
Cazz however got tipsy...we all could see that.And honestly we expected nothing less from her,
So the bands.Who do I reckon was brilliant.Well obviously Inershia, those okes seriously kick butt,Pity about the whole 16stitch thing happening while inershia was playing, but we got to see who really listens to good music.(for those of you who don't know,16stitch is one of the best known bands in sa). Oh inershia signed my boobie,At first they didn't want to,but they gave in , cazz has a single pic of it......
Other good bands.Well pestroy dissapointed me, arno shouldn't sign, OOO OOOO my epic rocked, that was a good moshpit,Nice on basti for being bumped to the ground by a skinny person.Wuss. Dantes muse(what ever the hell they are called) are also quite good, havent heard them before but ja....bloodline kicked ass again.The moshpit got a bit much so I left.Apparently misled caused so much kak the metal tent was nearly destroyed...They make us so proud...
So ja...Next year hopefully will be a bit better...But till then.keep reading my kakakas
Hey I was the one who help with Cazzy and Spies's tents!Ya iNeRsHa Rocked as always!!!!! I guess it was kak that we had to miss 16stitch but the guys from iNeRsHa made it worth it.
By , at 05 October, 2006 -
Deity's Muse, you moron, Deity's Muse!!! And yes, Berny and I set up the tent and then just left it to Ferdi, since he offered.
By CaZ, at 05 October, 2006
And I didnt get tipsy. I was probably the only one (maybe, besides Berny) that actually felt alive the whole weekend. You spent most of the weekend sleeping!!!
Oh, and MY version of Woodstock will be up this afternoon. Check it out.
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