Soooo this week
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
So far its been a kakas week, yesterday morning i got in, and would you believe it, My eyes were stuffed. I had to squint and stare closely at the screen just to make out that im running windows xp. Thats scary stuff when youre eyes play a major role in youre careerSo i went to be early last night. Got in at about 7,watched a little news, then dozed off, Cailin woke me up when she came in for E.R. and when she left, but hey i cant moan, cause i do the same.
This morning i woke up, and my eyes were fine again, geuss its just being over tired and staring at pc screens all day.
So lets hope the week goes better
7:28 AM ::

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The Real Marbro :: permalink

Good to hear your eyes are better, I hope you have learned never to mention to my bosses that something is wrong, they always make it terminal
By , at 23 January, 2007
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