The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan

Sporadic blogging

Friday, January 12, 2007
So ive found out both the fbi and the itc guys are chasing me around....

So blogging for the next while will be sporatic to say the least, but remember, im still thinking about my two regular readers, and honestly. Ive thought about ending it all. The blog i mean, dont worry, i didnt mean killing bush.

So yes, keep coming, but dont expect alot of new blogs. Im sorry
9:03 AM :: ::
  • Shame, man. You can hide in my garage if they come knocking on your door. We will feed you Weasel's share of the food.

    Oh, sorry, Ferdi already called dibs. Never mind!

    By Blogger CaZ, at 12 January, 2007  
  • Sorry dude, but I said you can make me a writer on your blog but my voice goes unheard.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12 January, 2007  
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