The real tink, marbro and murderdoll

This is what happens when kak hits the fan


Friday, March 31, 2006
Have you ever switched youre radio off in traffic?(cailin for you that would be walkman) and listend to what other people are playing?

I normally only hear the ravers,probably cause i hate the bastards so much.Most of their songs start with a big boom(to push the subwoofers to the max!) then they all kinda end up sounding the same...Well thats what you get when its an 18 yearold pimply geek sitting behind a pc,trying to make music

I have a varied music taste.I like anything that actually has a band playing more than one instrument(computers are instruments).I have dave matthews cd's.I have disturbed,I just got hold of all the kittie albumns.I think they are so cool

I really dont know how people can listen to house,Its similar to rave but not as annoying.Yes it sounds similar but its not that bad.They dont have computer generated voices mentioning some shit about a lollipop

I really dont get it.

my music taste has evolved about 7times , this year.Mainly cause greg has been killing a couple of my cd's,chevelle slipknot.I cant listen to them that much.

anyways this was a rushed blog.Cause i havent posted in a while.Sorry that is was super kak.but hey

Side note.STUPID BLOGGER SAVED THIS AS A DRAFT!i clicked on the right button!!!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Sorry about no post yesterday.But ja some of us actually work.Ja I couldnt believe it either

Ok this work thing,From what i gather is supposed to be fun,or at least not one of those things that just pisses you off beyond anything else.Surely you should wake up in the mornings and not have to be dragged off to youre car kicking and screaming.

This isnt the way that I imagined it.Yes some days I enjoy it.Like between xmas and newyears when we are off.We get no respect around here,not even a small mention.And not to mention a raise.

No Jeremy I dont have a god complex nor do i demand that people bow before me.Im just another unhappy employee here in this god forsaken hell hole.My boss is leaving soon.I know it.The guys been here for 8years...Dunno how he survived,Im cracking after nearly two.Its really scary.

I dont know how to kick my self out of this demotivated state,its just when im here that it happens.I cant wait for another job to come my way,I really need it.I need to make a huge change.Even willing to go into a normal person job.Maybe that will help me out.Something different.Something exciting.

How come others seem to actually snap out of it.Most people i know are able to just snap out of it

seriously wish i could.Then i might write something better

Neglect and abuse

Friday, March 24, 2006
Today has been a really shite day..

Constant abuse on the phone,Total disregard for professional courtesy.Sometimes i really wish murder wasnt a crime.Why is it that people that ME(company i work for)'s IT department is maintance aswell?Since when does an IT department have to break open drawers?Fix lights?move boxes and so forth?

What the hell people.Oh and dont think you can get away with just a "Its not my job,im really busy now" cause then youre apparently asking to be kakked on.Not even the managers in this company realise that I do work from time to time.

I dont have a woodworking degree behind my name,Im not skilled in sorting out DB boards.I dont do that shite.I didnt study for almost a year to get the papers i have.Im not maintance.Dont shite me out because of these things.

Also, if (like ive mentioned before) the server goes down for 5min because you plugged something in that shorted the company's electrics,kak on me!Its not my fault.Youre the dick that went and broke stuff.Im not a superhero.I cant fix things without there being a slight bit of down time.My boss isnt here.So im alone.Im working my ass off.Think i might get a slight bit of thanks?Never.

These guy neglect the fact that without me here.There might never be a phone call made.There might never be emails sent out.How many of you realise that I worked on tuesday...A public holiday.How many of you actually put the time and effort in?NONE.I was alone here.Well my FD was here too.But that was mainly cause he needed to surf porn.

I cant just geuss when the hub's downstairs go down.You have to report it.Its just something that happens.Those hubs are kinda old.I cant check on them every 10min.That would totally ruin my day.

In short piss off you arrogant cow.Shut the hell up you dumbnut that belongs in durban.

Give me a bit of recognition.Really

Little detours

Thursday, March 23, 2006
Lifes full of these little things.As soon as you seem to be going on the right path.Some dumbnut goes and chucks a monkey wrench in the works...Honestly my works cant handle more monkeys

Greg has been stuffed over at work,losing something like 8k.Because there is this doos that believes he is superior and should get gregs money..sort of like in a school yard.Ok yes the story is slightly more complicated.But hey im not going to explain it to you.

When something goes wrong I never have a backup plan..cause i realised,Im just a kak planner.I cant play out that today from 10-11pm im going to watch corne and twakkie becaue with my luck,sabc would have forgotten to insert the tape.It always happens.Ive actually decided to start planning for the opposite.But i dont think fate is that doff...

Sometimes these little monkey wrenches actually help you.You might not notice it at first but looking back..There are alot of things that would have been different if I actually had gotten the job I applied for at PWC, Cause then Id never have heard of JNF . Id also never had met my darling.Trust me life would have been mega kak then.

Lately ive been checking things out in a different view.Ive for somereason been looking closer at things..Trying to figure them out.God only knows why,cause naturally im just a lazy bugger.Ive scoped out that a few things in my life are on the verge of going a tad pear shaped.This isnt what im hoping for.Esp with me moving down to cape town,hopefully soon.

Murphy was actually a bastard..Making all those laws and stuff.Thats probably the oke that invented the wrench..or put the fly in the ointment.He must have been british.

anyways.super kak one.dont think im going to tell my chommies about it.Cause its kinda sad.But i have to go home.Left my phone there..and i wanna chat to my babe!

Taking chances

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Have you ever been one of those types of people that just sits in the stream and lets the current take you where ever it wants?Do you plan out youre life,day by day.Trying to be what society in general actually wants you to be.

Ive spent pretty much my whole life,being "safe".Only going out when i know i have enough money for the rest of the month,Sitting at home because I didnt want to travel far because the roads would be wet.Not wanting a big change in my life,because I felt "comfortable".

Recently I realised that im getting on in years...22 to be exact.And i have nothing to show for it.Well nothing out of the ordinary,I have a car.I have a job,girlfriend and so forth.But this isnt what i wanted to be when I was a little kid.I wanted to be a pilot.Jockey, marine, fireman.You know typical kid things.I stuck to computers cause i knew(and still know) what i was doing.I always had that little cushion to fall back on.Something solid under my feet.

I WANT A CHANGE! Hence the planned move to CT.I wanna be someplace that is new, some place different, Ill still stick to my current proffession,Being an IT nerd.Mainly cause us nerds dont like change.You cant scare us like that.Our pens leak,calculators go flat,stuff like that.Really scary.

Ive never really been the one that wanted to move to another country,I geuss that a part of me still wants to know that there is a safety net under me.Something that will catch me when I fall,Cause i sure as hell know thats going to happen.But the main thing i have going for me is im still young.I wont be able to do stuff like this when im 35 and have 2.4kids.Its going to be hard enough transporting my baby veloria(anaconda) down.Yes she is only a snakling(???) but still its a far drive.

I wanna be able to walk into my own place.Say hey..that tv over there....My mommy gave me that at a good price(hint hint mother) that bed,well i found that on a rubbish dump.Those chairs...They are from the neighbours garden.You know,Independence.I need that. Before i have to much on my plate.

It seems that people are always taking chances,I cant tell you how many of my friends just started their lives with nothing and are more than happy with the results.It seems like a semi fool proof plan.Something that just cant go wrong....But it might.Thats one of the things that scares me.

You see im a real mamma's boy.I need to know that if i had to phone her,She'd be there.Its torture knowing that she is in another country,even though at 6in the morning she'd be the first one thru the border if i needed her.

AAARRG im going all soppy with these bladdy blogs.Damn you Jeremy why did i listen to you!why!

Well thats another pointless waste of time.Sorry about it being late.But ja...hectice schedule..

Men and woman

Monday, March 20, 2006
Ok im sitting infront of my pc..Hectic day,so im having a sweet cuppa tea.Just like a real man would.I dont know what the hell to write about..So why not just mention something that we discuss and see everyday.The difference between men and woman

On JNF we regularly try and domesticate some of the woman that invade our manly sections(I.e everything) and we reckon we are winning.Woman however have converted one of our own.We didnt go back to save him.The sharks were winning.

Men seem to be the simpler happier gender.They will be quite content with being stuck on an island, sitting drinking cold beer,and flippen thru 500channels without actually watching anything.
Woman are more happy shopping,buying shoes that they will wear once,maybe twice in their lives.
I reckon i have two pairs of shoes..oh and the dogs chew toy..so that makes three.

Why is it woman need to always talk.Men are happy sitting in silence,maybe the occasional "Pass me a cold one" or the "pull my finger quick" might be heard,But it will be quickly followed with a dissaproving stare as we are all watching the game.Sometimes we dont even know what we are watching..

Woman cant be left alone.Put two random woman in a room together for 5min and you hear the latest gossip.I swear if they had to be of different nationalities it would still happen,Much harder to follow, But that slutty suzie will be spoken about.

Woman have their plus points,Men cant normally cook.We prefer easy to make stuff.Smash,wors.Thats a dinner for me,Hell thats an anniversary dinner for me.Woman on the other hand will go and slave over the stove for hours on end..Only to produce something that tastes brilliant,but looks so good you dont want to disturb it.

Woman cant seem to put a seat down,We lift the toilet seat...Trust us.It works both ways.You can put it down.Not like there is any pee on it.Really!

But then again we all cant live without each other,Men would be junk food addicts,woman would be obsessive compulsive melodramatic gossiping shoppers and the world as we know it would cease to exist.That might actually make some people happy..

Anyways after rereading this i realised,Shit i can talk loads of kak.Scary hey!and you read it

Insecurities and worrying

Friday, March 17, 2006
When I was in Capetown earlier this week,I spoke to my good old buddy Jeremy about his blog,how he does it and so forth,He told me that he sits in the morning,with a cuppa tea,behind his limited edition Ferrari lcd screen,and just types whats on his mind.Man that oke is just humble.

So thats what im doing,Im sitting infront of jeremy's screen, in my boxers,with his cuppa tea.Feels a little odd though.

Everyone has their own perception on how someone else looks and how they themselves look.I found that people that really arent happy with themselves seem to love bringing people down to their own level.Telling someone that they are fat,ugly or just stupid isnt really kieff,Its actually downright horrible.Ive been thru my own personal battles,and one day i just decided,Stuff you.Im living like i want,I woke up and realised that I was happy with myself.I was fine with the fact that Im growing what seems to be a decent belly, Yes im not the most attractive man alive,but who really is.Somewhere out there,there has to be someone that is so sick of brad pitts shite.Someone hates Claudia Schiffer, no one is perfect.

Why is it then that we all cant just realise that hey,im not going to have an ass like that, Ill never have a sixpack like Soulforge. You should really rather just be happy with what you have.Be happy that there are people around you that do care.Instead of focusing on the negative all day long, If you had to stop and count how many people seriously do love and care for you.You'd be amazed,off hand i can think of at least 10people that would drop everything if i needed them,and i can think of 15+ people that id do that for.This is the type of attitude we need in todays world.We dont need to be constantly brought down.Life is to short,get over it.

I just realised ive gone into the second topic already..Ooops.worrying.

Everyone does it,be it financial problems,personal life stuff, or youre boss just being a right old dick.No ones life is perfect,The ones that seem the happiest are the ones that are looking out for the silver lining in everything,A buddy of mine Vomitboy, has started with that type of outlook.He used to bitch and moan about everything,but now its just about certain things,Small things like him being hungry.Its as simple as waking up and deciding stuff it.Im going to enjoy today,tomorrow and the rest of the week.

Once again,take a look at those in youre life.You can spot out that person that will help you, take for instance, My father,We arent that close,but if i was to be in kak with the law,im almost dead sure he'd come help.My moms the type of person that will stop and look at the situation rationally,then sort it out.Oh yes followed by a swift klap.But hey in a way i geuss id have asked for it.It could be something that that person doesnt know,Chim(my darling) is able to make me smile even if greg has taken the last fizzer,She just has a way of making the kakest day turn out great.Greg just makes me thankful that i have a semi stable life.

Its the small things that make all the difference,The things that no one takes notice of until its to late.Seriously.instead of reading this kak,why not just go hug that special someone,take time to make youre life better,in the end its up to you

Not being happy

Thursday, March 16, 2006
I havent updated cause Ive been in Capetown since sunday.The reason.My company wanted me to use up a hotel room.Kief hey?no really i worked a bit while i was down there.

Which brings me to the title of this boring assed blog
Not being happy.Ive always been one of those guys that hated capetown.You okes down there cant drive in the rain,you give taxi's gaps.What on earth are you thinking.Youre proud of a mountain?come on.Really.

Strange thing,I want to move there.Ive come to the decision that jhb isnt for me.Im not happy here anymore.I geuss it has alot to do with my significant other.She lives down there.Been searching the net the whole day and cant really find a good job.Nevermind accomodation.But im working on it.

I hate not being happy.Its kak,Seriously kak.I love smiling,stealing stuff from kids and so on.You know.Happiness,but eversince i came back yesterday,I just cant seem to smile.It just doesnt want to happen.I try really hard,but I just end up sharting in my pants.

While I was down,i met up with a bunch of my buddies,Spoke some kakas,drank and just chilled.Thats where the problem comes in,In jhb i live so far away from everything,Nearest friends live about 30km away.Do you know how hard it is to drive when you are dog tired?yes i know 30km isnt far.But really.

I find myself getting slightly depro, wanting to make this huge change,but im scared.I really am.What if it doesnt work out.what if i forget my toothbrush up here?what if... But then i remember why i wanna move down,and no.its not for the seapoint hookers.

aaah well i geuss ill snap out of it just now.But in the meantime youre kicking youreself for actually reading this thing again.DUMBDUMB!

A wonderful evening

Friday, March 10, 2006
20Twenty has to be on the top of my list of worst mistakes ive made.They decided to ship customers over to Nedbank cause they wanted to close down.Fair enough,banking isnt really where the money is,right? So with the whole change over,moving debit orders was going to be a tad scary for me.Never done it before.But eventually i got the courage together,and BAM,sent the fax thru,with all the new details,

But geuss what.Little did I know,they wouldnt be changing the debit orders quick enough, So....Now im sitting with a phone that got cut off,cause of nedbank,Lovely.I know.Last night I sat trying to get this sorted out.On hold for 8minutes,before a customer rep helped me,Well i thought he helped me.We went thru the whole shlep of ok dude,im upping my credit limit,I will be doing the debit order thing tomorrow...warra warra warra.So like a dick i sat waiting for my phone to be reactivated.But IT DIDNT COME BACK!

I ended up sending a message off of gregs phone,to that special someone,and went to bed expecting it to be sorted by morning,I mean there must be replication of data somewhere,and heaven forbid im the only customer asking for this to happen.So i gave it time......Till this morning.Then I was slightly pissed off.I think i might have said "shit" while on the phone with a lovely and helpful person. Mtnsp. Sort out youre staff,Employ more than one oke at night,This whole convo thing last night was at about 10pm.How many irate customers do you have then?Dont you think you should be sorting the tech support divisions and so on out?Employ more people.Youre charging me enough already.

Last night was also the first time in months that i was at a spur,(before that we kinda ate to many ribs and refused to ever go back).Thursday nights there is a pizza special.R30,all you can eat.The slices are half the size of a normal slice.They kept bringing kak pizza's out.In the end it felt asif i was stuck at a prison food tasting competition.Really.It was kinda scary.Managed to chug 2 draughts down though.So my blood level in my alchol is semi stable.Tonight ill just top up.

Sorted out my babies cage aswell, She is still a little scared of it,I got the timer working perfectly on the cage.10pm off,4am on.Thats just the light.Must get more heating pads....Shame she is so cute.Ill post pics of her soon.Just need to get a decent pic.Somewhere..

anyways thats about all the time i can waste,I tried to waste more.but hey.Im only human.


Thursday, March 09, 2006
This one is going to be hard to write,cause no one has the same outlook as someone else.Yes we either like them or hate them,But youre brother can think youre so cool,and you can hate him ect ect

I dream of a typical family,wife,2.5kids ect.Living in the suburbs,cause the middle of jhb is just to darn expensive.Two cars dog in the yard that no one knows how it got there.Double story house,so that the kids can fall down the stairs every now and then.

You know.Typical things.I grew up in what i thought was a slightly disfunctional family.Few to many sisters,brother only came around when i was in Standard one.So i didnt really get to bond with him early off.Sometimes i wish he was slightly older,cause then i could hit him without him crying.My older sister went thru the whole depression,stuff off im a teenager with rage part when she hit 8.Still going,We are kinda proud of her.

The other sister,well she's living in botswana now with my mother,She finished school last year and wants to go travelling,We never really got along.So thats about all I can say about her,oh that and youngest boet and her cant be left alone,There will be blood

I always regarded myself as the quiet, hope he gets fed type.Never really caused shit,Up until std 6,Then i went and caused a bit of kak.But hey we all need to do that from time to time.Mom and dad got divorced a while ago.probably about 2years now.Dads apparently engaged.Strange thing is that he lives closer to me than mom,yet i speak to her more often.Dunno who's fault the dad thing is.Im a kid,so its probably mine

Our family doesnt really contain the nutjobs that typical american sitcoms show we should have.We dont have the weird aunt agnus that lives in our backyard,or uncle bill that wears dresses and makes us call him Billy.I have a lesbian cousin,Thats about the furtherest thing from the norm that i have,And now society has taken that away from me with the whole gay acceptance thing.Its kinda Sad how boring my life is.

I look at friends of mine,Cazz,ferdi and weasel(not their real names,those are Carol,Cassanove and Edwardo) they are closer than i am with most of my buddies.They do almost everything together.They joke and kid around,One of their family members actually lives next to them,i think they call him uncle ronnie.Ohwell.

then you take someone else i know.They dont even speak to their father cause of the shite that they had to endure with that parent.Its kinda scary to think that someone can write off a father/mother. To me losing one of them is probably going to be the hardest thing im going to go thru.I really really hope it doesnt happen soon.

My grandfather lived by us for a while.Geuss he is also a bit of a nutter.He married my step grandmother,without his girlfriend knowing.Then moved back in with the GF, kinda odd i know.But To me thats sort of normal.

I also have a half sister that lives in england.We've met twice,She seems really cool.We dont email that often,but hey its probably sort of like me and my dad.We know the other one is there.Something i must get out of though.Just assuming that person will be there forever.

anyways im going to go slit my wrists.Cause after rereading this,i realised im not funny.just sad.But the thing is,Youre still reading.How bored are you.Dont you think this was a waste?

Being an IT guy

Wednesday, March 08, 2006
As some of you know,Im an IT guy,Network administrator actually.All day i have to deal with people.Users as I call them.They suck ass.

They demand the world.Without it effecting their lives.Sometimes we just cant do it.Sometimes we have to restart a firewall or empty our the mail queue.Shit happens.Live with it

If IT doesnt have a fucken budget dont take it on me.Just because you surf porn/download shite, dont blame us.Spyware is there because of dumbnut users.Hackers/crackers love taking advantage of okes like you.Guys Stop kaking on me because youre 8meg emails dont go out.We have 2meg limits because you shouldnt be sending video clips to 70 of youre buddies,or recieving them for that matter.

Email jokes are the worst thing since the plague.They take up lots of space.IF you store them.A simple 1meg attachment,forwarded to 10 of youre buddies,makes 10megs,they send it to 10 buddies and suddenly this 1meg attachment is 100times the size.That could just be in one company.Believe it or not,servers arent really made to hold large(extrememly large) amounts of crap.Youre at work.DO YOURE WORK

ok this might have been slightly better than the other blogs.But still its kak.waste of time.

Tv and movies

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Im seriously running low on ideas here, So i thought,hey why not write about something I know alot about.

Physics,just kidding. Tv.Its a main part of my life.Its the only thing that keeps me sane.I actually look forward to getting home at night,just so that i can watch tv,Mainly to keep greg quiet.Gregs my housemate.Think ive mentioned him before..

I love comedies,The main reason why I have such a dry sense of humor is because of my love for british comedy,Its the best kind.

One of my favourite british comedies has to be My Family.I just love that dad.His wit,his quick thinking,his body..No wait,thats just wrong.I loved the son,Total retard,but the stuff he came up with,Pure brilliance.

Scrubs is about the best american humor i can think of off hand,well apart from Malcolm in the middle.Scrubs contains alot of quick punchlines,that normal "office" hatred,hot babes,elliot especially.

Movie wise,well as you know i pirate them,so i see lots of different types.Favourties have to along the lines of Saw,Texas chainsaw massacre.I love horrors.Nothing better than watching them with someone special.Like my boss.Or girlfriend,mom,ect.You know.People who you love...

Movies and series that i hate are those chick kak things.They are all the same,oh gee the cute guy is a doos,or the cute guy is dating a whore,or the cute guy got herpes from his dad.Same old same old.My sister loves watching passions.its on Etv,Mega kakas show.They have this midget/doll/boy/peadophile guy thing on it,Everyone believes its a doll.But the kid moves.Some seriously shit stuff

oh well.going back to my webcam,Really boring tv,just like my blog


Thursday, March 02, 2006
Lately its still been dark when I get up to go to work.Which brings back a cool,yet kak feeling.Remember that feeling of waking up at 2in the morning, Getting the last of youre things stuffed into an already overloaded car,forgetting to go to the bathroom before you hit the road?

I do, I havent even had a proper "holiday" in yonks,It must bee since around '96.Yip thats right,That was the last time i went down to the coast.I hated the ride.I really really did.

Everyone packs themselves into the car,Sisters and brothers almost sitting ontop of each other, Coolerbox with "padkos" in the way,Mom and dad shouting at you.Aaah memories. Thats when dad stops to fill the car up,Cause doing it the night before is just stupid(still dont know why).Petrol stations are like a whole other world.The flurescent lights are about the only sign of life at that time of the night,Everyone ducking off for a quick pee.Even though home is only 2km away.

Tollgates were about the only cool place for me,We used to stare at people driving thru them, wondering where they are going,when they come back,Why they have a caravan and we dont.Trivial things really.Once my dad realised that i liked tollgates,he discoverd THE ALTERNATIVE ROUTE. That kak road,the one that has holes the size of small towns, millions of trucks hell bent on being the slowest moving objects ever. That was kak

Playing games in the car never seemd to work out, I spy was kinda boring when all around you was pitch black, cricket sucked(not the bat and ball type).We used to drive for what seemed like hours,but never moved very far.Mainly cause of all the toilet stops.

I remember how my dad would always pay the one who saw the ocean first R10,then give the other 2/3 of us the money anyways.

Still nothing beats that little bit of time just before you get over the last crest and see the ocean,You smell it,Youve been sitting in a car for 10+hours, And wham its there.Aaah i miss going on holiday

but hey,thats just my two cents,that cost you 5minutes of youre life...Hope you hated every minute of it